Air Quality Monitoring for Smart City
We developed with a vision of creating an advanced world. Where technology meets sustainability and reliability. Where people can get a better healthy life with a harmonious community living. It can only happen when we all work together hand to hand to improve our air quality.
The real solution is based on getting to the root of the problem, i.e., identifying the source of the pollution. By installing real-time Air Quality Monitoring Systems at pollution hotspots we gather hyperlocal environmental data.
Smart Sensor Devices make sensors that gives a wide view of outdoor environment pollution levels by monitoring Real-time Particulate matter, NO2, Humidity, Temperature, Ambient pressure and Ambient Light level. This helps to make better decisions – for yourself, the environment, and your fellow humans.
Smart Sensor Devices offers both air quality monitoring devices and air quality monitoring data services for outdoor environment.
Mitigate the impact of air pollution at cities
Our outdoor air quality monitoring solution includes powerful air quality monitoring portal which allows to access real-time and historical data with various maps, charts and graphs for analysis. This solution have helped environmental professionals, industrial operators and organizations responsible for urban and national air monitoring to mitigate the impact of air pollution at cities.

Outdoor air quality monitoring adaptation scenario

Industrial Building

Traffic Tunnel
