
Turn a Raspberry Pi into Bluetooth Beacon.

Bluetooth is one of the innovative technology to transfer data wirelessly, build home automation systems, control other devices etc. In this tutorial, we will learn about how to turn a Raspberry Pi into ..

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Turn your Computer into an iBeacon

iBeacon technology allows Mobile Apps to understand their position on a micro-local scale, and deliver content to users based on location. It is a Bluetooth Low Energy technology. BLE Advertising uses a one-way ..

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Hibou Air Quality monitor with CO2 sensor

We all are aware of the adverse effects of rising CO2 levels on our health. Excess CO2 levels can lead to lack of concentration, tiredness and can contribute to the signs of Sick Building Syndrome such as eye, nose and throat irritation, headaches, itchy skin and nausea ..

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Top 10 sensor technology companies in Europe -2020

Sensor technology has become very popular in recent years. Countless applications are developed using sensor technology, and people are showing more and more interests in it. Big companies are coming up with sensor solutions and services, by creating innovative sensing ..

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