
Build your own firmware for BleuIO

Introduction The BleuIO is Bluetooth low energy USB dongle that can be used to create new BLE 5.0 applications in the fastest and easiest way. The BleuIO comes with a bootloader that allows you to update the firmware or ..

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Update BlueIO firmware using RaspberryPi

The BleuIO comes with a bootloader to allow you to update the firmware or flash your own application to the dongle. To flash the dongle, you will need an image file containing the new firmware or your own application and a host USB loader application. ..

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Location analysis using Bluetooth Low Energy

Distance to a Bluetooth device can be measured using RSSI value. The following script will help you locate nearby unique BLE devices within a selected range. This script scans for nearby unique Bluetooth devices within ..

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Get Bluetooth Device Distance Using BleuIO

Distance between Bluetooth devices can be measured using RSSI value. Using the script presented in this article will help us to get device distance using BleuIO.  This script scans for nearby Bluetooth devices and ..

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